We are so looking forward to celebrating with you next January. Please check back for updates, schedules, RSVP, registry and more as we get closer to the date.
We are so looking forward to celebrating with you next January. Please check back for updates, schedules, RSVP, registry and more as we get closer to the date.
January 25, 2025
Brighton, Colorado

Ebonie & Lenny Wedding


Ebonie Hosea


Lenny Tropiano

January 25, 2025

Brighton, Colorado
249 days249 d6 hours6 h27 minutes27 min2 seconds2 s

When We Knew

Santa Fe, New Mexico

In the heart of Santa Fe, with snowcapped mountains in view, we had a life-shaping moment. The mountain air and cozy ambiance, along with quiet moments to talk and reflect on, made us realize our love was forever. During our time together in Santa Fe, a sense of togetherness filled our hearts, and we saw a bright future. In those moments, we discussed dreams and found our aspirations beautifully aligned and our differences were complementary. Driving through scenic landscapes and a snowmobiling adventure, our laughter-filled discussions revealed a shared vision for a lasting and profound life together. As we explored, we weren't just admiring scenery; we were navigating a future intertwined with love. Amidst laughter, dreams, and the enchanting charm of New Mexico, we knew we had found something extraordinary. As we continued our trip, the promise of forever echoed in the breeze, carrying whispers of a timeless love story.

The Proposal

Los Angeles, July 29, 2023

The day kicked off with donning Barbie and Ken outfits and touring the Barbie "House" in character. We had a wonderful time laughing and enjoying each other. It later led to dinner at a restaurant we both were eyeing. During dinner Lenny looked at me with tears in his eyes, and while we were having a wonderful dinner, I didn't realize what was about to happen. All I could think about was how much I loved him. The marriage proposal was a heartfelt and intimate moment that we will cherish forever. The setting, in the privacy of our hotel room, added a personal touch to the occasion and a sense of calmness for Ebonie. I took the time to write down my feelings, and framed my words, creating a timeless keepsake for her. The culmination of the proposal came when Lenny got down on one knee, and asked me the important question: "Will you be my partner? My best friend and the love of my life? Will you marry me?" Moved by the words and overwhelmed with emotion, I responded with a resounding "YES!" before even laying eyes on the engagement ring. I couldn't imagine anything more than spending our lives together as husband and wife. Tears of joy had already started flowing, and we embraced that moment with pure happiness. I then took a moment to retrieve the carefully stashed box carried from miles away in Texas. I placed the ring on her finger sealing the engagement and marking the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.

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